N.O. Supplementation for Added Endurance

Nitric Oxide Supplementation for Increased Endurance uscle

Nitric Oxide (chemical formula : NO) is a crucial cellular signaling molecule, that plays a role in several physiological and pathological processes. This molecule is naturally secreted by our bodies, but in very low quantities. Natural Nitric Oxide levels in our body can be enlarged through frequent physical strain. One of Nitric Oxide’s many functions is expanding the diameter of the blood vessels.  Our Nitric Oxide level can also be influenced by taking certain kinds of amino acids, specifically, L-citrulline and L-arginine.

Nitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric Oxide Supplementation for Increased Endurance | Breaking MuscleSeveral Nitric Oxide supplements are composed of very similar ingredients, with largely identical formulas, and interchangeable amounts of the various components. These supplements seek to significantly increase Nitric Oxide levels in our body by mixing together L-arginine (about 3,000mg), L-citrulline (about 100mg), and alpha-lipoic acid (50mg). Nitric Oxide supplements generally come in three forms, pills, soluble powder, and pre-prepared drinks. While each supplement is different and generally has its own set of dosage guidelines, the typical dosage that usually works with every brand of supplement is two pills a day (provided the particular supplement in question comes in pill form). To get the recommended daily amount of Nitric Oxide to your body, it is suggested to consume at least 15 grams of L-arginine, taken in equally divided doses three times each day. These ingredients, working together will provide anyone with an elevated level of Nitric Oxide in their body.

Nitric Oxide in FoodNitric Oxide Supplementation for Increased Endurance | Breaking Muscle

It is also possible to increase Nitric Oxide levels through nutrition. Juicing and drinking mixtures of various vegetables and fruits, primarily spinach, will provide you with a healthy nutrition bomb that is guaranteed to significantly increase your Nitric Oxide levels. Drinking juice made of typically Nitric Oxide rich plants can boost training-time and stamina by an additional sixteen percent.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide

An increased level on Nitric Oxide in your body can have a plethora of beneficial effects in the long run. Thanks to the molecule’s blood-vessel expanding property, it is a popular bodybuilding drug. You gain larger muscle mass through exercise by literally ripping your muscle tissue apart on a microscopic level by subjecting your body to intense training. Instead of simply fusing together like most tissue, muscles instead generate new tissue to fill up the gaps cause by the exercise. This way the muscle will be able to endure more punishment the next time around, and it will increase in size. One mistake many eager rookies make when exercising is not letting their body rest, because they think that “more exercise equals more muscle” is always true.

Nitric Oxide, at the sufficient quantity, significantly decreases the healing time of muscles, and thus allows for more frequent effective training sessions. As a cellular signaling molecule, Nitric Oxide also has numerous other health benefits as well, like bolstering our immune systems, managing blood pressure levels, and alleviating sleeplessness. It is important to keep in mind the golden rule of supplements : they won’t do the work for you.

Click here to learn more about our top Nitric Oxide products.

Nitric Oxide & Muscle

Nitric Oxide & Muscle

Nitric oxide, or Nitrogen Oxide, also known as Nitrogen Monoxide is an incredibly important cellular signaling molecule, found naturally in mammals, including humans. This particular molecule, whose chemical formula is NO, was discovered in the previous century, thanks to extensive research that was made in the field of vascular tone regulation and the relaxation of blood vessels. Initially classified as a endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), Nitric Oxide was thought of as a protein. The study which proved that this particular substance was an oxide – Nitric Oxide to be exact – resulted in a sudden spike of interest in the molecule. Countless thousands of papers on the subject of Nitric Oxide have been published since, and the the discovery of Nitric Oxide as a cardiovascular signalling molecule resulted in a Nobel Prize 17 years ago. Nitric Oxide has since been observed to greatly affect numerous processes of a biological nature that occur in our bodies, such as neurotransmission and the management of the death rate of cells.

Nitric Oxide | MuscleWhat Nitric Oxide does

Nitric Oxide has several health benefits, but the most notable of these is its ability to increase the diameter of blood vessels. This property has made the molecule a sought-after bodybuilding drug. The way muscle growth works is, that when you make intensive use of your muscles for extended periods of time, microscopic ruptures appear in the muscle tissue. To put it simply, you literally rip your muscles apart. As opposed to most other tissue, when muscles heal themselves, the rely less on fusing together, and rather fill up the tear with new material, making the muscles more resistant, which means that next time they will be able to take more punishment. One typical rookie mistake in training, is shocking the muscles with additional training even after they are already in a damaged state. The muscles require a period of regeneration, when the healing of the tissue may happen. As Nitric Oxide expands the blood vessels, not only do we have significantly more energy during training, the healing-time of our muscles decreases, meaning we can train effectively more often.

Potential Side Effects and Dose

Nitric Oxide | MuscleWhenever you buy a Nitric Oxide Supplement product, the packaging, leaflet or label should contain all the necessary dosage information, as it varies from product to product. Side effects of Nitric Oxide may include fatigue, weakness, tiredness, nausea or diarrhea. This is due to the high concentration of arginine, which is an amino acid that happens to be the primary ingredient in most Nitric Oxide supplements. Everyone can tolerate a different level of argnine without experiencing detrimental effects, so make sure to consult a medical professional, and test out your limits by taking incrementally larger doses every week. This way you can change your dosage for the ideal amount.

Nitric Oxide made its debut as a bodybuilding supplement way back in 1996, and ahve only gained in popularity since. These products are available in two types : pills and soluble powder. The pills are more often than not composed of pure Nitric Oxide, while the powders contain additional healthy ingredients, like a wealth of vitamins, for example.

How To Choose The Best Nitric Oxide Supplement

How To Choose The Best Nitric Oxide Supplement

When people think of supplements, they associate these products with the idea of them being used to fix a deficiency, or to assist the healing of a kind of disease. However, the truth is that even with the healthiest of bodies, supplements can still improve any facet of your life, and can push you from simply “healthy” to the absolute peak. These supplements are designed to provide your body with certain beneficial substances that you wouldn’t be getting enough of just from your basic diet. However, you should always keep in mind the golden rule of health supplements : they don’t work instead of you. Trying to get fit with the help of Nitric Oxide Supplements? Don’t expect muscles to magically appear after taking a few pills – you have to continue working out, the supplement will only help the results show sooner. Let’s take a look at what Nitric Oxide contains, how it works, and what you should look out for.

Nitric Oxide – what it really is

How To Choose The Best Nitric Oxide SupplementYou can maximize the effectiveness of your supplements by having thorough knowledge of how they work. In this case, understanding how our body processes and reacts to Nitric Oxide. Our bodies naturally secrete NO, and thus the substance helps with the build-up of muscle tissue ans has a significant role in our body’s self-healing ability. Naturally, when our body is performing much more taxing actions, it requires significantly more energy. Our body can acquire this necessary energy from multiple sources, primarily through an increase in the amount of oxygen that our body has access to, or through an increased intake of nutrients. As we all know, oxygen and nutrients are carried throughout our bodies by red blood cells, which are found in our blood, which, in turn, is found in our blood vessels. One effect of many that Nitric Oxide has on our body, is that it increases the diameter of the blood vessels, this way more blood can reach its destinations all throughout your body.

How Nitric Oxides helps you

How To Choose The Best Nitric Oxide SupplementSome time ago, when Nitric Oxide was introduced to the market as a supplement for the first time, it was marketed as an enhancement substance for males. As Nitric Oxide expands blood vessels all over the body, the blood flow is significantly increased. This effect can be noticed in all body-parts. Now, we all know how erections work. Put one and one together, and you’ll see why its uses as a sexual enhancement for males were obvious.

Nitric Oxide’s popularity lead to the quick discovery of numerous other health benefits of the supplement as well, besides the enhanced sexual pleasure it could provide. Since your body already secretes the substance, very low quantities of the substance can have significant results.

One of the biggest and most notable benefit of Nitric Oxide is its use as a bodybuilding drug, with the main target audience being people who put their body through intense training, and, well, bodybuilders. Muscle build-up works in the way that subjecting the muscles to long and arduous stress literally rips the muscle tissue open on a microscopic scale.

Now, these rips heal over time, but instead of simply fusing together, new muscle tissue is generated to fill the gap, and that is why the muscles will be able to take more load, and will be bigger. Using Nitric Oxide will significantly decrease the required regeneration time.

Click here to learn more about our top Nitric Oxide products.

The Many Benefits of Taking Nitric Oxide Supplements

The Many Benefits of Taking Nitric Oxide Supplements

“What can I expect when I take Nitric Oxide?”

A naturally-occurring compound found in the body, Nitric Oxide is also used as a supplement in order to provide the body with higher levels of energy and to improve the growth of muscles, which explains why it is a common choice amongst body builders. When it is taken in the right doses, and when accompanied with diet and exercise, the results can be quickly felt and can be evident in the long term. In a nutshell, the following are some of the major benefits of taking this supplement, with each of them discussed in detail in the succeeding paragraphs:

  • Improved Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Enhanced Memory and Learning
  • Regulation of Bone Formation
  • Reduction of Joint PainThe Many Benefits of Taking Nitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric Oxide for Improved Cardiovascular Health

This is perhaps one of the most well-known benefits of taking Nitric Oxide. This works by being able to keep the blood vessel walls relaxed, which leads into the improvement of the flow of blood and the reduction of the likelihood of suffering from hypertension. In addition, it also slows the progression of cardiovascular health problems through strengthening the walls of the blood vessels. The absence of the right amount of Nitric Oxide can negatively affect the ability of the heart to deliver the blood supply needed by the body.

Nitric Oxide for Enhanced Memory and Learning

Being a neurotransmitter, Nitric Oxide becomes instrumental in the improvement of memory and learning. Once it is formed in the brain, it can be immediately used in the performance of cognitive tasks. According to Indian Journal of Medical Research, which was published in 2011, Nitric Oxide is present in hypothalamus and improves the neural function. Just like on its effects in cardiovascular health, it also improves the flow of blood to the brain, and hence, enhancing its functioning.

Nitric Oxide for Regulation of Bone Formation

Nitric Oxide for Reduction of Joint PainBone healing and remodeling can be enhanced through the supplementation of Nitric Oxide. As a free radical, it assumes a critical role in bone cell functions. In relation to this, there is also no wonder why it is being linked to the enhancement of bone density. Nonetheless, while Nitrogen Oxide in itself can already deliver a wide array of benefits for bone health, such can be enhanced when it is consumed alongside supplementations that are abundant in calcitonin, bisphosphonates, and Vitamin D. Aside from strengthening bones and speeding up the process of healing, it also improved the circulation of blood surrounding the affected area.

Nitric Oxide for Reduction of Joint Pain

In relation to the assertion made above with regards to how Nitric Oxide can help in the improvement of bone health, it is also instrumental in the reduction of joint pain. According to a journal called Arthritis Research and Therapy, which was published in 2008, the supplement can lessen the signaling of pain related to osteoarthritis, and hence, people who are suffering from such condition will have a lesser tendency of feeling the debilitating pain.

The ability of Nitric Oxide to reduce pain has been credited to different factors, such as its ability to improve the flow of blood, reduce the irritation of nerves, and repair the cartilage cells that have been damaged.

Nitrogen Oxide: Does It Work?

Nitrogen Oxide: Does It Work?

“Is nitrogen oxide effective in helping build muscles?”

For a long time now, Nitrogen Oxide has been regarded by many people as one of the most effective supplements for body building. While exercise and diet may be helpful, they are insufficient in achieving results quicker and more successfully. More often than not, it should be complemented with effective supplements that can help speed up the achievement of results. For many, the question is which supplement should be taken. With the abundance of the possibilities, Nitorgen Oxide seems to be one of the most promising, especially given the positive feedbacks of those who have used it in the past.

Nitrogen Oxide: Does It Work?Recommended Amount of Nitrogen Oxide To Be Taken

The amount of the supplement that should be taken will depend on a variety of factors, such as the results you expect, your body size, and the specific brand. Generally speaking, when it is available in pill form, three pills must be consumed two times in a day. On the other hand, if it is to be taken orally, the recommended amount is two or three shakes daily. Unlike other supplements, Nitric Oxide is best to be taken when the stomach is empty. In addition, the results will also be more evident if it is going to be implemented with a regular workout routine. While the supplement should be consistently taken, such should be done moderately. Excess dosage can lead into adverse side effects.

The Best Brand of Nitrogen Oxide

One of the most popular brands available today is MRI Nitrogen Oxide. The supplement has been around in since the early 1990s. The mere fact that it is still available today only shows that it has been trusted by many people. From the first few days of taking MRI, the results will already be felt. During such period, you will notice increase in stamina and you will feel less tired after working out.

You will feel your muscles hardening and pumping as a result of taking the supplement. This should not be a cause of alarm as this is just natural. To achieve long-term effects, exercise and diet should be also observed. This will increase the ability of the body to absorb the supplement and will also make it easier to get rid of the accumulation of fats.Nitrogen Oxide: Does It Work?

Nitrogen Oxide in Powder or Pill Form?

  • Powder Form: This is the more common choice because it allows the components to be broken down quicker, and hence, easier to be absorbed by the body as well.
  • Pill Form: Nitrogen Oxide in pills are less preferred by body builders because this will typically require higher doses.

In sum, Nitrogen Oxide can indeed prove to be a highly effective choice for body builders. It is good for both males and females. However, females may need to take fewer doses. There are some users who have reported a couple of side effects, but they are not really very common and not serious. To be sure, however, before taking the supplement, or if adverse effects start to emanate, it would be wise to consult with a medical professional first.

The Basics: Using Nitric Oxide for Body Building

Things You Should Know About Using Nitric Oxide for Body Building

“Is it safe to use nitric oxide for achieving better body?”

For most people, weight loss and muscle gain can prove to be a hard endeavor. If you go online and start searching for tips on body building and dieting, you will be confronted with tons of search results and you will end up being overwhelmed. In the same way, if you ask fitness experts on the best supplement to gain muscle mass, you will also get varying responses. Every individual will also experience different effects, depending on their body. If there is one thing that is commonly recommended nowadays, it would be Nitric Oxide. Is it safe? Will it work? Keep on reading and you will know more about how this ingredient in supplements is gaining popularity and why there are also criticisms.

What It Is

A Few Things You Should Know About Using Nitric Oxide for Body BuildingNitric Oxide refers to a gas that is naturally produced in the body. It has the main purpose of being able to deliver messages to the cells of the body. In order to produce such, the enzymes break down into an amino acid that is called arginine. The latter is also naturally present in food sources, such as in the case of shrimps, crabs, and sesame seeds, among others.

Another important thing to know about nitric oxide is that it is a natural vasodilator. Simply put, it helps in the relaxation of the blood vessels to trigger better blood flow. This also leads into the reduction in the constriction of the heart and hence, resulting into lesser strain while you are working out. This will allow you to do more without having to worry about changes in your heart rate or blood pressure, which is exactly the reason why it is a popular choice for supplements among body builders and fitness buffs.

Benefits of Taking Nitric Oxide

    • Increased Rates of Recovery: Through taking the supplement, your muscles will be able to enjoy better relaxation, and hence, preventing fatigue the day after you have exercised.
    • Reduction of Fatigue: Exercise can be debilitating and can lead into extreme fatigue, which is why most people often get discouraged. With nitric oxide, this is not an issue as it will provide the tissues with more oxygen.
    • Maximizing Muscle Pump: After an intense workout routine, with the help of this supplement, you will notice your muscles being tighter and fuller. This can lead into long-term benefits and will even motivate you to exercise more.

A Few Things You Should Know About Using Nitric Oxide for Body BuildingSide Effects of Nitric Oxide

In spite of the benefits that have been mentioned above, there are also adverse side effects one might experience from using Nitric Oxide. Some of the most commonly reported side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, imbalance of electrolytes, low blood, difficulty in breathing, and other forms of allergic reactions.

In sum, while Nitric Oxide can be effective in body building, caution must be observed in having it taken. Make sure to purchase only from authorized and reputable sellers to be assured of its quality. It is also critical to follow only the right dosage. Going beyond the recommended amount can lead into adverse effects. It is also best to first consult with a medical professional to before using the supplement.

Nitric Oxide Supplements and Side Effects

Nitric Oxide Supplements and Side Effects

The human body uses Nitric Oxide, which is a free-form gas for intercellular communications.  This substance is made naturally and is created by the breakdown of the amino acid Arginine by body enzymes. Nitric Oxide results when L-citrulline is converted from L-Arginine.

Nitric Oxide has many tasks.  It sends transmissions betweens cells, oversees blood circulation, and sets individual pain thresholds. There are many supplements on the market trying to cash in on this popular supplement trend.  It is important to understand that supplements are not the only way to get nitric oxide, as it may be obtained naturally from beets.  However, they are an easy source of nitric oxide and may be considered safe if not abused.

Nitric Oxide Supplements and Side EffectsNitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric Oxide supplements are taken by many athletes, including boxers, who want to improve their strength and endurance. Bodybuilders are especially benefited by taking this type of supplement. Many studies performed on nitric oxide supplements show that nitric oxide has proven benefits.

Nitric oxide supplements work by assisting mediation of the nitric oxide molecule. As a result, the nitric oxide supplement thereby improves endurance and strength. Individual power output is very much increased by taking a nitric oxide supplement.

One particular supplement, the No2 supplement has delayed-release physer3. This is an advanced technology of no2 supplement, that basically creates a virtual muscle pump. The muscle pump that is made by no2 supplement is referred to as a “perpetual pump”. There are other less noticeable benefits.  When you take nitric oxide supplement, your skin may become taughter.

The no2 supplement dramatically improves circulation, making this a valuable asset to sportsmen and body builders. However, as mentioned above, there are potential side effects associated with taking a nitric oxide supplement. Let’s take a closer look.

Side Effects

  • Nitric Oxide Supplements and Side EffectsShift in body electrolytes.  Nitric oxide supplements have been known to adjust the chemical environment of your body resulting in problems such as high chloride, high potassium, low phosphate, low sodium, raised blood urea nitrogen and raised creatinine levels. It is important to note that you should not use nitric oxide supplements if you health problems such as liver or kidney disease.
  • Stomach discomfort is a known side effect of nitric oxide supplements. Symptoms include vomiting or nausea, cramping or an growth in the amount of stool. Try to take this supplement with food to avoid stomach discomfort.
  • Nitric oxide supplements might raise the risk of internal or external bleeding. Make sure to talk to your health care provider about nitric oxide products if you have a bleeding issue or are taking any blood-thinning medications (even something as simple as aspirin may cause an issue).
  • Because nitric oxide is known to affect blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure is a possible side effect. Symptoms connected to with low blood pressure include dizziness, headaches, light headedness, nausea, throwing up and vertigo. These symptoms may get worse when standing from a sitting position. Make sure to do your research and shop around when looking for a safe option for Nitric Oxide to add to your repertoire.

Side Effects of Nitric Oxide Supplements

Side Effects of Nitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric oxide supplements are increasing in popularity.  There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing. Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective. There are some concerns about the quality of nitric oxide health supplements on the market and the effectiveness.  Let’s take a closer look at nitric oxide supplements and some of the benefits and drawbacks associated with using these types of products. Nitric oxide health products are composed of L-arginine (examples include: L-arg, arginine hydrochloride). This is a component in your body that then changes into nitric oxide after consumption. It is primarily included in health products to trigger blood vessel relaxation (also known as vasodilation) — this may be helpful to people at risk of heart problems or disease. However, there are known side effects that have been found to be associated with nitric oxide consumption, therefore you must only use it under a physician’s care.  Read on to learn more about some of these potential side effects.Side Effects of Nitric Oxide Supplements

Adjustments in Body Electrolytes

Nitric oxide supplements have been known to adjust the chemical environment of your body. This often results in problems such as high chloride, high potassium, low phosphate, low sodium, raised blood urea nitrogen and raised creatinine levels. It is important to note that you should not use nitric oxide supplements if you health problems such as liver or kidney disease. These organs help to regulate electrolytes and may be extra receptive to side effects of nitric oxide supplement use.

Stomach Problems

Stomach discomfort is a known side effect of nitric oxide supplements. Symptoms include vomiting or nausea, cramping or an growth in the amount of stool. Try to take this supplement with food to avoid stomach discomfort. Speak to your doctor immediately if you are experiencing stomach issues with nitric oxide use.

Increases in Bleeding

Nitric oxide supplements might raise the risk of internal or external bleeding. Make sure to talk to your health care provider about nitric oxide products if you have a bleeding issue or are taking any blood-thinning medications (even something as simple as aspirin may cause an issue).

Side Effects of Nitric Oxide SupplementsBlood Pressure Fluctuations

Because nitric oxide is known to affect blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure is a possible side effect. Symptoms connected to with low blood pressure include dizziness, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, throwing up and vertigo. These symptoms may get worse when standing from a sitting position or when going to the bathroom. Immediately stop use and speak to your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Arginine Shot

Sometimes doctors give arginine injections to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Side effects of this injection include flushing, low back pain, numbness, headache, restless legs, vein irritation and death of the tissue around the injection location. Yan ice pack may be applied as needed for pain. Discuss with your health care provided if these symptoms persist.

Fruits, Veggies and Nitric Oxide

Fruits, Veggies and Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide supplements are currently getting a great deal of attention for their bodybuilding benefits. A variety of supplements exist on the market claiming to increase the rate of muscle-building.  Clinical results are showing that nitric oxide is helpful, however, many of these products aren’t safe or well-tested. Luckily, there are other options for to boosting nitric oxide  including increasing your intake of certain fruits and vegetables.

Information About Nitric Oxide

Fruits, Veggies and Nitric OxideNitric oxide is a molecular compound made in our bodies. Through signals transmitted through the body It allows for intercellular communication. Nitric oxide has demonstrated importance in: assisting the immune system at fighting off bacteria and defending against tumors; helping behavior and memory by sending information within the brain; reducing inflammation; regulating blood pressure by dilating arteries; improving your recognition of various physical senses; improving sleep quality; assisting in gastric motility; and increasing endurance and strength. If you have an existing heart condition or abnormal blood pressure, please consult your healthcare professional before taking supplements to increase nitric oxide levels. Luckily there are other options for naturally increasing the nitric oxide in your body.

Increasing the nitric oxide in your body

Fruits, Veggies and Nitric OxideYou can increase nitric oxide through exercise. Running and lifting weights, causes an increase in the amount of oxygen required by your muscles. The lining in your arteries releases nitric oxide into the blood as the heart pumps with increased pressure to provide the muscles with blood.  As we grow older, blood vessels and nitric oxide systems are less efficient because of free radical damage, inactivity, and poor diet, causing our blood vessels and arteries to break down. Another natural option for to increasing nitric oxide is via diet. Arginine, can be found in fruits, nuts, dairy and meat; it makes nitric oxide and citrulline inside the cell. Citrulline is recycled back into arginine, making even more nitric oxide. We can take care of these enzymes and nitric oxide by eating a healthy diet which includes antioxidants and allows you to make more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide lasts mere seconds in your body, so you need to provide more antioxidants to make it last longer. Nitrates are naturally occurring in lots of plants. One of the richest sources of nitrates are beets. When you gain nitrate (NO3-), like from beets, bacteria in the mouth make lose an oxygen molecule and form nitrite (NO2-). The nitrite next travels to the bloodstream, where it loses another oxygen and becomes NO.

Let’s take a closer look at natural ways to increase nitric oxide from food sources.

Beetroot and Beet Consumption — Beets naturally increase your body’s ability to make nitric oxide in the body. Beetroot juice also boosts immunity. A recent study discovered that utilizing an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine kills off a large number of the bacteria in the mouth that convert nitrate into nitrite. This lowers the nitric oxide made from sources like beets. Therefore, if you’re consuming beets or  including a beet extract in your diet to raise nitric oxide levels, you may want to skip the antiseptic mouthwash before consuming any nitrate source.

Consume Hawthorn Extract – Hawthorn prevents plaque from coating arterial walls. It works as a calcium-channel blocker and aids the endothelial cells that line our blood vessels to secrete nitric oxide.

Increase consumption of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline Amino Acids —  The antioxidants in fruits and nuts also protect the nitric oxide which is created by eating these foods.

Nitric Oxide General Information

What Is Nitric Oxide? Where Does Nitric Oxide Come From?

Nitric Oxide is  gas that is made in the body communicates with other bodily cells. It is a molecular compound made of one part nitrogen and one part oxygen. Many may believe that nitric oxide is nothing more than “laughing gas” given at the dentists office.  Other people associate it with the gas the race car drivers put in their cars to give them an extra boost of speed. However, in reality, nitric oxide has shown importance in the cellular activities listed below:Nitric Oxide General Information

  • assists the immune system at fighting off bacteria and defending against tumors
  • helps behavior and memory by sending information within the brain
  • reduces inflammation
  • regulates blood pressure by dilating arteries
  • improves your recognition of various physical senses
  • improves sleep quality
  • assists in gastric motility
  • increases endurance and strength

Scientific Studies on Nitric Oxide

Some in the health product industry have claimed that there is no science behind the use of nitric oxide.  However, this is not the case. The Royal Society and Association of British Science Writers wrote in 1996 that:

“Summary research papers continue to flood the scientific journals and insights into the biological activity and potential clinical uses of nitric oxide (NO): a gas controlling a seemingly limitless range of functions in the body. Each revelation adds to nitric oxide’s already lengthy resume in controlling the circulation of the blood, regulating activities of the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs.

The molecule governs blood pressure through a recently recognized process that contradicts textbook wisdom. It causes penile erection by dilating blood vessels and controls the action of almost every orifice from swallowing to defecation. The immune system uses nitric oxide in fighting viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, and tumors. Nitric oxide transmits messages between nerve cells and is associated with the process of learning, memory, sleeping, feeling pain, and, probably depression. It is a mediator in inflammation and rheumatism.”

Since the time that the above text was written, products made from Nitric Oxide have continued to be praised by scientist and doctors.

Who Needs Nitric Oxide And How Do You Know If You Are Deficient?

Nitric Oxide General InformationEveryone needs some nitric oxide to fulfill important physiological processes. Nitric oxide supplementation is good for bodybuilders.

It can increase growth because of to improved and increased blood circulation in certain parts of the body.

Moreover, males who experience episodes erectile dysfunction may also find complimenting their diet with nitric oxide useful. Signs of low nitric oxide levels include erectile problems, weakness and extreme tiredness.

A good deal of nitric oxide health products have the amino acid Arginine-alpha-keto-glutarate included in their formulation.

How Much Nitric Oxide Should Be Taken? What Are The Side Effects?

Overdose is possible. Taking a supplement with too much arginine will often lead to stomach problems. No clear usage guidelines have been established to date. You best bet is to take a low amount for a week and increase the quantity until you find the amount that works best for you.

Some protein powders are also enhanced with amino acids, including arginine. Knowing this you need to pay attention to how much total arginine you are taking from all supplement sources.