PEAK Nitric Oxide Sensa Review

This is our review of PEAK Nitric Oxide with NITROXIUM from Sensa. This is one of many No2 product available on the market today, so read this review to learn more about how or if it can help you.


PEAK Nitric Oxide uses the following four active ingredients:

  • Vitamin C
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • NITROXIUM Proprietary Blend

The NITROXIUM Proprietary Blend is a blend of ingredients that stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide in the body, while the other three are vitamins that aid in the absorption of these ingredients. There are also several inactive ingredients in this product, including microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and silica. These ingredients are done to keep the capsule together.


The manufacturers of this product suggest a dosage of two capsules a day, taken with breakfast. Of course, if you have other instructions from your doctor, you should follow them.

Keep this product out of the reach of children. Do not take if you are under 18.


One box of this product costs $44.99 according to the GNC website. Since each box contains 60 tablets, this is essentially a one-month’s supply at the recommended dosage, meaning that you are paying $1.66 per serving. It’s not the most expensive nitric oxide supplement that we’ve seen, but it’s also not one of the cheapest.


While looking for information about this product and company, we could not find anything about a guarantee. As always, it’s worrisome when a company does not offer a guarantee on their products, as you want some sort of security for your money if you buy the product and it ends up not working. A guarantee is like the company is saying that they’re willing to support their product and stand by it even if it does not end up working for you, and so when a company does not offer one, it might make you start to think about if the company believes in their products.


PEAK Nitric Oxide with NITROXIUM is a fairly good product for stimulating your Nitric Oxide production. It uses a blend of ingredients so that you can be sure that you’re getting a strong and effective supplement, and the price, while not cheap, isn’t ridiculously expensive either. However, the company does not offer a guarantee, which may make you think that it’s too risky a choice for your money. If you would prefer a product with a strong guarantee, you should probably find a different one.

Click here to learn about our Top NO2 Nitric Oxide Booster Products.

Niteworks Herbalife Nutrition Review

Let’s take a look at this review of Niteworks from Herbalife Nutrition! This product claims to help with muscle gain, vein improvement and overall muscle health. We’re reviewing this supplement so you can learn some information about what this product is before you buy it.


Niteworks contains a lot of amino acids that help stimulate production of nitric oxide, such as L-Arginine and L-Citruline. There are also several vitamins, such as folate (a type of B Vitamin) and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), which help your body to absorb and process the amino acids. Aside from these, there are other ingredients, such as:

These are to make the product more appealing to eat, as well as to keep it as a powder.


Herbalife Nutrition, the manufacturers of Niteworks, suggest a dosage of two scoops mixed into an 8-oz glass of water, sparkling water, or juice. For best results, drink at night, preferably just before you go to bed.


Since Herbalife Nutrition does not sell this product directly from their website, prices for this product will vary depending on where you buy it. We found a 300 gram size for $81.85. Since a serving is approximately 10 grams, a tub should last you around one month, meaning that one serving costs approximately $2.72. This is on the more expensive side of things, although you may be able to find this product cheaper elsewhere if you look.


Herbalife Nutrition offers a 30-day guarantee on their products. If you are not satisfied with their products, you have one month to send it back and get a full-refund. Although it’s great that they have a guarantee for their products, one month is not necessarily a long enough time to decide whether or not the product is working out for you. It would be awful if you were deciding that your product didn’t work just as your guarantee ran out, and you were out of luck.


Herbalife Nutitrion Niteworks seems like a great nitric oxide product. They use several different amino acids and vitamins, all of which they have shown to work together to help maximize results. However, the price is very steep, coming in at almost $90 dollars for a one-month supply, and although it’s incredibly expensive, they don’t offer a long-enough guarantee to make it seem like your money is in good hands. If you’d prefer a product with a stronger guarantee and more financial security, you should probably look for a different supplement.

Click here to learn about our Top NO2 Nitric Oxide Booster Products.

Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve Health

Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve Health

Humanity has been aware of the beneficial effects Nitric Oxide has on our health for a long time prior to the discovery that the substance is naturally generated by our bodies in a small quantity. Certain diseases, such as high blood pressure and Angina, have been treated with Nitroglycerin as early as in 1880. Nitroglycerin affected the pathways of Nitric Oxide, but almost a century passed while people were using the substance and enjoying its benefits without having any clue as to why it works.

Nitric Oxide’s discovery, as well as its beneficial biological effects, was such a momentous event in history, that it won the three researchers studying it the prestigious Nobel Prize in 1998. This molecule is extremely versatile, with numerous health benefits we can enjoy. Let’s have a look as to what these benefits are in more detail.

Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve HealthNitric Oxide and its benefits

Nitric Oxide, also known as Nitrogen Oxide and Nitric Monoxide, is a crucial signaling molecule found in most mammals, including humans, in which int performs vital pathological and physiological functions. It is produced by Nitric Oxide synthase, an enzyme found in the lining of the blood vessels, which is called the endothelium.

One of Nitric Oxide’s most apparent effects is so-called vasodilation, which is the widening of the blood vessels, this is achieved by the penetration of the underlying smooth musculature. This makes it clear that Nitric Oxide has an extremely crucial function in blood pressure, as well as circulation in general. Another benefit of Nitric Oxide is that it protects the tissue from whence it came, the endothelium.

Boost Nitric Oxide Levels to Improve HealthThe main, underlying cause of most heart diseases and cardiovascular disorders is endothelial dysfunction coupled with the body’s diminished ability to generate Nitric Oxide, which is collectively called atherosclerosis. Just like in the case of the “more exercise equals more Nitric Oxide equals more exercise equals more Nitric Oxide” loop, this can lead the body to enter a detrimental loop of lowered Nitric Oxide production, which leads to more damage, which leads to even less Nitric Oxide, which once again leads to more damage, and so on. If the vicious loop goes on for too long, symptoms such as hypertension may be observed, as well as dangerous cardiac events.

The effects Nitric Oxide has on the body and circulatory systems makes it apparent just why nitroglycerin is so suitable for the treatment of a disease like Angina. The substance promotes the generation of Nitric Oxide, which cause vasodilation, meaning that the diameter of arteries is increased.

The coronary arteries are no exception, and with their widening, the heart can receive the needed oxygen and nutrients. Increased amounts of Nitric Oxide are also perfect for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Most medications to treat erectile dysfunction, as well as male enhancement drugs, work on the principle of drastically increasing the Nitric Oxide levels of the blood, which increases blood flow to the penis, resulting in significantly improved erections.

Nitric Oxide: The New Hero of Human Biology

Nitric Oxide: The New Hero of Human Biology

As it turns out, additional exercise has more benefits than just getting you into shape quicker. While a few more lifts or another push-up or two might get you that satisfying burning feeling of obliterating those pesky calories, recent studies show that intense training significantly increase the body’s natural secretion of Nitric Oxide, a gaseous signaling molecule that is generated naturally in most mammals, humans included, but at low quantities. Nitric Oxide is a very versatile substance, and is key in numerous crucial bodily functions. Nitric Oxide also has countless health benefits, both on the long and short term. One of the substance’s main spheres of influence is the circulatory system, as Nitric Oxide has significant cardiovascular functions. One of these, if not the most important, is its contribution to the prevention of heart diseases.

Nitric Oxide: The New Hero of Human Biology | Psychology TodayA researcher from a notable university shared his team’s findings, which indicate that Nitric Oxide’s presence, or absence, can have very long-reaching effects. Nitric Oxide is an antiatherogenic, but only slightly. Despite this, it is important for the health of our circulatory system because, as it is naturally secreted, it is present constantly, and therefore its effects are significant. Your diet, exercise regiment and general amount of stress all contribute to a fourty year process, of which Nitric Oxide is a key element. Increased amount and intensity of exercise can significantly increase your body’s capacity to generate Nitric Oxide, by increasing the amount of the substance’s respective synthase enzyme, which is responsible for converting the amino acid L-arginine into the precious sought after Nitric Oxide.

The researchers have determined in their preliminary report that the beneficial and preventative effects of Nitric Oxide can be best seen in individuals classified as “at-risk”, meaning they are more susceptible to heart disease than others. This was proven by the increased reactivity in brachial arteries shown in blood tests done after a work out session. This increase, in some cases, could almost reach a doubling. This proved that those closer to developing heart disease will derive more benefits from additional exercise, though it is still very helpful for everyone.

healthy_heartTo help you to better understand how exactly Nitric Oxide helps in the prevention of heart disease, let us explain. Additional training of increased intensity will significantly boost Nitric Oxide amounts in what is called the endothelium, which is what lines the walls of your arteries. A pre-symptom of heart disease in many cases is damage to this lining. Nitric Oxide, when introduced to the blood, keeps red blood cells apart, preventing them from aggregating, which stops them from getting stuck on the walls of the vessel. Another function of Nitric Oxide is the control of vascular tone, which enables the relaxed arteries to remain clean.

Since this plethora of beneficial effects has been discovered, Nitric Oxide is looked upon as something of a “hero” in the medical world. While it wasn’t always so, the true benefits of Nitric Oxide were a discovery so substantial, that it won the scientists a Nobel Prize.

Nitric Oxide & Getting in Shape

Getting in Shape: Don’t Forget the Nitric Oxide

Regardless of whether you are already working out intensely and frequently and want  to get even more out of your training routine, or you’re only just now jumping into the world of fitness, training and working out, Nitric Oxide is of paramount importance for your swift and hard-earned success. In some recent medical news, Nitric Oxide has enjoyed the spotlight for its extensive benefits for the treatment of high blood pressure and other diseases that ail the crucial circulatory system. However, what has been getting significantly less attention, is Nitric Oxide’s use as a bodybuilding and work out supplement. Nitric Oxide’s many beneficial effects can help you drastically increase the length and intensity of your work out sessions, maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your training regimen.

Sources of Nitric Oxide

Getting in Shape: Don't forget the Nitric Oxide | Neogenis LabsNitric Oxide is naturally secreted by our bodies, as it is a very important signaling molecule, and a key element of several pathological and physiological processes and functions within our bodies. The gaseous Nitric Oxide is generated within our boides by a particular type of amino acid, which is called L-arginine. This substance, when ingested, is immediately converted into Nitric Oxide, and begins to exact its beneficial effects instantly. Our bodies’ ability to generate Nitric Oxide depends greatly on our diet, level of fitness and even age. Factors such as an unhealthy diet, significant amounts of excess weight, unhealthy activities such as smoking, and old age will all drastically reduce the amount of Nitric Oxide your body can produce natrually, on its own. You can check out your Nitric Oxide levels with a home-use test strip.

Adjusting your Diet

Getting in Shape: Don't forget the Nitric Oxide | Neogenis LabsOne of the easiest, quickest and simplest ways of increasing your body’s capacity to generate Nitric Oxide levels is adjust your diet accordingly, making sure to eliminate any unhealthy factors as quickly and completely as possible. Foods that include large amounts of radishes, kale and beets are necessary for the killer Nitric Oxide promoting diet. Processed foods are generally discouraged, so make sure to get rid of as many of those from your diet as humanly possible. One of the easiest ways of determining whether or not a particular food is good for the promotion of Nitric Oxide generation is by simply looking at it. Brightly colored, fresh foods are usually the ones containing the most of the nutrients your body needs to ensure a maximized Nitric Oxide output. Another important factor is chewing. You might roll your eyes at this, dismissing it as obvious, but you’d be surprised. Most humans make the mistake of not chewing their food sufficiently.

This is detrimental because the conversion of nutrients to Nitric Oxide begin in your mouth, with the help of saliva, and this process cannot function properly without the food being chewed sufficiently.

Once this is achieved, there are still more options to make sure your Nitric Oxide generative capabilities are at their absolute peak. If you smoke, you really should stop, to begin. Then, make sure to exercise more regularly. But one of the most important methods is adding a Nitric Oxide supplement to your diet.

Click Here to learn more about our top Nitric Oxide products.

Maximize Your Workout With N.O.

How Nitric Oxide Supplements Help You When Working Out

Anyone who decides to travel down the hard and long path of getting fit and in shape is a person deserving of respect. Working towards this noble goal will allow you to be a strong support for those people who are depending on you and turn to you for help. However, this arduous path of training need not be as hard and as long. You can maximize your efficiency and the effectiveness of your work-out sessions to help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted, and to keep yourself at the peak of health. This can be achieved through dietary supplements, most notably, with Nitric Oxide supplements.

How Nitric Oxide Supplements Help You When Working Out | Nitric Oxide Side EffectsNitric Oxide is naturally secreted by our bodies, but in low quantities. Nitric Oxide supplements provide our body with large amounts of L-arginine, which is the amino acid responsible for the generation of the gaseous Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide works in the bodies of most mammals, humans included, as a signaling molecule, controlling the function of various bodily functions, primary among them, the circulatory system. Nitric Oxide has significant cardiovascular effects. It is responsible for the expansion of the diameter of the blood vessels, which allows for increased blood flow. This, in turn, allows for more oxygen, nutrients and energy to reach various body parts. This is called vasodilation, and enables our bodies to withstand much more punishment, and to endure significantly longer work out sessions. It is in this way that Nitric Oxide drastically promotes muscle growth.

Dosage of Nitric Oxide supplementation

How Nitric Oxide Supplements Help You When Working Out | Nitric Oxide Side EffectsTo enjoy the benefits of Nitric Oxide to its maximum effect, it is important to take the L-argnine supplements thrice daily, with breakfast and dinner, as well as right before you begin the workout session. The morning dose will prepare the body for the day’s training, as well as result in an overall improved metabolism. The dose taken right before training will allow the immediate effects of Nitric Oxide on muscle mass growth to be seen. The last dose will allow for the body’s nocturnal healing mechanism to repair the muscles torn during the workout, allowing for a maximum-effect training session the next day.

How Nitric Oxide Works

Nitric Oxide is a crucial signaling molecule, and is responsible for multiple functions throughout our body. Nitric Oxide is naturally produced by our bodies, but at very low amounts. The way Nitric Oxide increases the rate of muscle growth, is by dilating the blood vessels and capillaries, thus allowing for increased blood flow, meaning more red blood cells, meaning more energy, oxygen and nutrients. This helps muscle growth in two ways. Firstly, it allows for longer and more intense work out sessions, because it supplies the muscles with more energy, oxygen and nutrients. The other way is related to how muscle mass growth actually happens.

During training, the intense strain on the muscles causes them rip open on a tiny scale. Later, when the body is resting, the natural healing process fills up these gaps with more muscle tissue. This process is helped significantly by Nitric Oxide.

Increase Your Workouts with NO2

Discover How You Can Increase Your Workouts with Nitric Oxide Supplements | Nitric Oxide Side Effects

As a practitioner of routine intense training, we presume your main goal is to constantly increment the load your body is capable of enduring, and to increase your physical prowess, and to do so while avoiding the all to demotivating feeling of burning out. This has been achieved by few in the past, but recently it has become readily possible for anyone. The times of of confused would-be bodybuilders misusing supplements is over. This article serves to help you get your bearings in the world of Nitric Oxide supplements, and maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your workout sessions using this molecule.

How it Works

Discover How You Can Increase Your Workouts with Nitric Oxide Supplements | Nitric Oxide Side EffectsNitric Oxide is a signaling molecule, meaning that it works as a form of communication between different body parts, allowing it to stop, start or change the way they work. Nitric Oxide is secreted naturally by most mammals, humans included, but in rather small amounts. Nitric Oxide has effects that can affect every part of our body, but the most notable one is its effects on the circulatory system. The cardiovascular effects of Nitric Oxide include vasodilation, which basically is the widening of the blood vessels and capillaries. This allows for increased blood flow. Now that we have established what Nitric Oxide does, let’s look at the way muscles work.

When subjected to intense training, our muscle tissue is torn, and microscopic rips appear all over it. While most tissue relies on fusing together again to heal, muscle tissue instead focuses on filling the wound with new tissue, making the muscle stronger and bigger in the process. This occurs the same way any other natural healing process in our body does, and requires oxygen and nutrients to take place. This oxygen and nutrient load is delivered by red blood cells. If we put the widened blood vessels and increased blood flow we achieved with Nitric Oxide and the muscle healing process together, we have quicker muscle buildup. When we train on muscle that are in an already torn state, we do more harm than good. Nitric Oxide decreases the time our muscles need to regenerate and heal. This means we can exercise more often effectively, without doing permanent harm to our muscles.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide

Discover How You Can Increase Your Workouts with Nitric Oxide Supplements | Nitric Oxide Side EffectsThe beneficial effects of Nitric Oxide are substantial, and you’ll be guaranteed to begin noticing these effects soon after beginning the use of Nitric Oxide. The following are the reasons why Nitric Oxide will transform your workout routine.

Vasodilation – As explained in detail previously, vasodilation is the expansion of the blood vessels that allows for a significantly higher amount of blood flow. This means increased oxygen and nutrient transport, which in turn allows for longer sessions.

Metabolism – Nitric Oxide, through vasodilation, allows your body to process and make use of nutrients and oxygen better and faster, allowing for increased endurance and and overal health improvement.

Increased Muscle Mass – Nitric Oxide’s widening of the blood vessels is in direct relation to getting even larger msucles.

The increased amount of oxygen and nutrients will cause the natural healing mechanism of our body to fill the wounds causes by training with much more tissue.

Are N.O. Supplements Dangerous?

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Dangerous?

Nitric Oxide, also known as Nitrogen Oxide or Nitrogen Monoxide, abbreviated as NO, is an important signaling molecule found in most mammals, and is crucial in the successful and healthy performance of various pathological and physiological functions in our body. Nitric Oxide has multiple beneficial effects on our health, and has a tendency to continually surprise scientists as research progresses through the years. Because of this, Nitric Oxide has been subject to extensive scrutiny and study, so much so that the findings of three young scientists won them a Nobel Prize in 1998.

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Dangerous? | WeightTraining.comNitric Oxide has a tendency to be often confused by people with nitrous oxide, which is a dental anesthetic  or with nitromethane, which is used as a combustible fuel. As is the case with supplements of any kind, for any substance, it is very important to read and learn recommended instructions for dosage, and this is doubly true for Nitric Oxide. Most potential side effects of supplements can generally be avoided when following the manufacturer’s instructions. Nitric Oxide is a substance that is naturally secreted by our bodies, and has multiple beneficial effects. Primary among these are its cardiovascular properties. Nitric Oxide performs multiple functions in relation to our circulatory system, meaning heart, blood vessels and the blood itself.

One such function, is the lowering of blood pressure, which is achieved through vasodilation, meaning that the diameter of the blood vessels is widened. Therefore, if the Nitric Oxide level of your blood is too high, it can lead to a drastic drop in blood pressure. To ensure that your training is as effective as it possibly can be, you need to ensure that you have an adequate diet, sufficient regenerative time between sessions, and that use make proper use of beneficial supplements, Nitric Oxide being one of them.

Nitric Oxide – What it is

Are Nitric Oxide Supplements Dangerous? | WeightTraining.comNitric Oxide is what we call a signaling molecule, meaning that its function is to relay signals from various body parts to each other, thus activating, deactivating, pausing, resuming or altering the function of these body parts. This gas is primarily composed of  L-arginine, which is classified as an amino acid. Several prescription medications, used to treat a wide range of diseases, such as impotence and some cardiovascular ailments, make extensive use of Nitric Oxide. As Nitric Oxide is in a gaseous state, Nitric Oxide supplements work by containing large amounts of the amino acid that produces it. Thus this amino acid will begin producing Nitric Oxide inside your body. Ginseng and Cacao also have the property of increasing Nitric Oxide levels in our body, among others.

Nitric Oxide has several beneficial effects throughout your body, such as bolstering the immune system, and can also help combat inflammations, making it useful against arthritis, for example. One function mentioned previously, vasodilation, can be of great help to anyone suffering from high blood pressure, since the expansion of blood vessels is precisely what lowers blood pressure.

How the ‘Pump’ Powers Muscle Growth

How The Pump Powers Muscle Growth: Break Through With Benefits Of NO!

Hyperemia, also known as “the pump” in the bodybuilding world, is considered extremely important for muscle growth. It happens when, during intense training, blood flow is diverted from non-crucial bodily functions which do not take an active part in the work-out, into the muscles. Blood, before passing into the muscles, becomes oxygenated by the alveoli in the lungs through the process of gaseous exchange. This oxygenated blood is then stockpiled in the working muscles, filling them to maximum capacity, resulting in the feeling that gave the phenomenon its name. Feeling the pump is considered one of the most motivating sensations by most bodybuilders, to the point that despite having the long-term goal of drastically increasing muscle mass, when they enter the gym, pursuit of the feeling of the pump is all that occupies their mind. - How The Pump Powers Muscle Growth: Break Through With Benefits Of NO!Other than the obvious psychological motivation and visual benefits, hyperemia and  vasodilation also has another major advantage : promoted muscle growth. Hyperaemia, the scientific classification of exercise-induced hyperemia, meaning “the pump”, is crucial for providing the muscles with the ideal environment (anabolic) for promoted muscle growth.

How it Works

One of the most important components of Hyperaemia is Nitric Oxide, which is a signaling molecule found in mammals. Nitric Oxide is secreted in small quantities by our body naturally, and it positively effects muscle growth due to its cardiovascular properties. Nitric Oxide is released into the bloodstream during intense exercise, and this results in what is called vasodilation. The diameter of the blood vessels is expanded to allow for increased blood flow, meaning that an increased amount of red blood cells will reach their target, carrying vital oxygen, nutrients and energy. This, in turn allows for more-intense exercise, which then leads to more Nitric Oxide secretion. - How The Pump Powers Muscle Growth: Break Through With Benefits Of NO!This launches the body into a self-perpetuating loop, and yet the levels of Nitric Oxide our body produces is still pretty low. Another way the Nitric Oxide helps with bodybuilding, is with muscle regeneration. As most of you probably know, the way muscle growth works, is that during intense training we literally rip our muscles, causing tiny, microscopic tears in the tissue. As opposed to most tissue found in the human body which heals itself by simply fusing together, muscle tissue fills the tears with new mass, thus allowing the muscle to endure more next time it is used, and increasing its size. For the work-out to be effective, it is of paramount importance to allow the muscle to rest, otherwise the healing will not take place. When Nitric Oxide expands the blood vessles, and increased amount of oxygen and nutrients can reach the muscle in question, this healing period is significantly reduced. When the healing time between two work out sessions is reduced, logically, the frequency of the sessions can be increased in accordance with the shortening of the regenerative period.

Combining the three factors of high intensity training, reduced down time between sessions, and the phenomenon of the pump, will lead to quick results.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide for Athletes

Benefits of Nitric Oxide (NO) for Athletes

Nitric Oxide, often abbreviated as NO, or referred to by its other names nitrogen monoxide or nitrogen oxide, is a molecule that performs crucial signalling functions in our bodies, and participate in numerous physiological and pathological processes in all mammals, including humans. Nitric Oxide is secreted by our bodies naturally, but in pretty low quantities, meaning we can enhance the beneficial effects of Nitric Oxide through dietary supplementation. The most notable of Nitric Oxide’s health benefits are cardiovascular in nature. While the molecule can, on occasion, bolster your nerves and lungs, its effects on the heart are the most significant.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide (NO) for AthletesNitric Oxide is naturally released during intense physical strain, and thus, it dilates (increases the diameter) of the blood vessels, allowing more blood to circulate. Since it is the red blood cells that carry oxygen, nutrients and energy all over the body, this process allows for prolonged sessions, which, in turn, lead to your body generating more Nitric Oxide, As you can see, this kicks off a loop, where more exercise leads to more Nitric Oxide which leads to more exercise which leads to more Nitric Oxide and so on and so on.

However, even with this self-perpetuating cycle, the amount of Nitric Oxide we naturally secrete is still low.

Cardiovascular Benefits of Nitric Oxide

Cardiovascular Benefits of Nitric OxideAs a signaling molecule, the basis of Nitric Oxide’s function to to command the body when to do and when not to do certain particular actions. Nitric Oxide is gaseous, with an elimination half-life of 2 to 6 seconds. High levels of Nitric Oxide in the blood lead to the expansion of the diameter of the blood vessels, as well as the capillaries, which increases the rate at which the blood flows, thus increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen, nutrients and energy that reaches the various parts of our body. This process is called vasodilatation, which basically means the widening of blood vessels. Since its discovery, Nitric Oxide continues to surprise scientists and researchers on a regular basis. This tendency  is encouraging perpetual study of the molecule. Most recently, it has been proven that Nitric Oxide doen’t only affect our body’s cardiovascular functions.

Frequent boosting of the Nitric Oxide levels in our body through supplementation can serve to optimize biological functions of all kinds. This, while obviously also contributing to the molecule’s value for athletes, also makes it valuable for everyone, as it can affect longevity in a positive manner.

Various Benefits of Nitric Oxide

As we touched upon previously, the health benefits of Nitric Oxide stretch beyond its cardiovascular properties, which are made possible through the expansion of blood vessels. While these properties are remarkable on their own, they are far from the full extent of Nitric Oxide’s benefits. Increasing the level on Nitric Oxide in our blood stream can have long-reaching and universal health benefits, impacting various aspects of our bodies such as the nervous and immune system, the lungs, and the nervous system. It seems Nitric Oxide truly is a very versatile molecule.