Body Fortress Watermelon Flavor Triple Strength L-Carnitine 1500 Review

This is a review of Body Fortress Triple Strength L-Carnitine 1500. The manufacturer’s claim is that the supplement will assist with the metabolism of fat. It also claims to provide support during, as well as after exercise activities. Read on to learn about the ingredients and dosage, as well as our opinion on whether or not it’s the right product for your needs.


This product consists of

  • 4g total carbohydrate
  • 1500 mg L-Carnitine
  • 10 mg Pantothenic Acid
  • Glycerin
  • Sorbitol
  • Purified Water
  • Citric Acid
  • Natural flavors
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Potassium Benzoate

Carnitine encourages your system to change food into energy, and thus gives your system support during aerobic exercise. The pantothenic acid works with carnitine directly to increase the potency of the supplement. Natural flavors give the supplement a fresh watermelon taste, according to the manufacturer.

Please note that this is a vegetarian product, and it is safe for those with specific dietary requirements.


The manufacturer recommends that adults consume one (1) or two (2) tablespoons of the supplement with a meal, around thirty minutes to an hour before working out. This is roughly equivalent to fifteen to thirty ml per serving. After your workout, a second serving of the same size should be taken. Taking the supplement without eating something beforehand is not recommended.

Possible Side Effects

The product is considered safe for long-term use, although those who are pregnant, nursing or on medication should consult with a doctor before taking Body Fortress Triple Strength L-Carnitine 1500. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal discomfort. In cases of excessive consumption, the supplement may act like a laxative and additional side effects have not been listed on the website.


The price of the product is not listed on the Body Fortress website. It is also not available for order on the website, as consumers are redirected to online stores and chain outlets to find what they want. This may be off-putting to some consumers.

Furthermore, the price of the product is listed as $15.16, which has been marked down from the original price of $19.99 on Amazon. Although this is quite affordable, it is below average for a supplement. This may cause users to doubt the authenticity or effectiveness of the ingredients used in the supplement.


It is concerning that after thorough research, we were unable to find information on a money-back guarantee from the manufacturer. However, reviewers seem to be pleased with the product, and highly recommend the watermelon taste for the summer months.


Body Fortress Triple Strength L-Carnitine 1500 is a dietary supplement which will appeal to vegetarians in particular. However, the lack of a money-back guarantee may raise concerns about the product. The price is also lower than the industry average, and may put some consumers off buying Body Fortress Triple Strength L-Carnitine 1500. The bottom line is that although the product has good reviews and a low price the lack of a guarantee does not make it the perfect option.

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Top Secret Nutrition Pump Igniter Review

This is a review of Pump Igniter by Top Secret Nutrition. It is a  product that the manufacturers claim to be an energy enhancing, muscle pumping supplement which is said to have the most powerful benefits for intense workouts. Pump Igniter is reputed to increase mood and increase focus while strength training and building muscles. With the NO2 science boosters at hand in this supplement, the results are very apparently, satisfying. It comes in different powdered flavors from Raspberry to Lemonade.

Read on to see if the ingredients are sufficient enough for your pre-workout supplemental needs.


  • Beta Alanine HCL
  • Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)
  • L-Cillutrine
  • Red beet juice- INcreases the immune system
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • Higenamine- Helps in blood circulation and body stamina
  • Choline Bitartrate
  • Rutaecarpine 98% (RC-NOS)
  • Bioperine
  • Agmantine Sulfate- Promotes endurance and muscle fitness
  • Caffeine– Speeds up the metabolism and also the heart rate
  • Picamilon
  • Phyllanthus Emblica
  • Nootropic mood boosting combination
  • Astravar
  • Magnesium Glycerophosphate


The manufacturers advise that this product is taken depending on your tolerance level. Since this product stimulates your body due to the effects of caffeine, it is recommended that you add half a scoop to a glass of water 8-12 oz. and see if it works for you. If it gives a less desired effect, then you can go on increasing the dosage, provided you do not exceed two scoops per day.

It is greatly preferred that you take this concoction thirty minutes before your workout.

Possible Side Effects

The website does not offer a clear picture of what the side effects may be, but they do warn on not taking the supplement 2 weeks prior surgery. They also warn against using this supplement if you have not talked to your doctor first. Taking this drug with pre existing conditions is risky, so again, make sure you consult your physician.


This product is sold in servings. The more servings, the more the money you have to pay. During our research, we found that the highest number of servings per container was 30 servings and the price was fourty six dollars and ninety nine cents. There seemed to be a sale going on that the price was discounted all the way to twenty four dollars and ninety nine cents, but it is not for certain how long this sale will last.


Pump Igniter has no guarantee and there is no sign that they would give one too if a problem should arise with the product. Once you buy it, you are on your own.


Pump Igniter by Top Secret Nutrition is quite a good product. It offers different flavors for the powdered form and there are great reviews about it on how effective it is based on research done.

However, Judging by the ingredients of this product, it does not intrigue us much since the ingredients seem to look like the same old ones in every other energy performance powdered supplement. The caution about caffeine is in this one too, but the manufacturers leave a lot of information out pertaining to the effects of caffeine and also,  to some of the ingredients on their list.

Without a guarantee, it is hard to say anything more about this product.

Click here to learn about our Top NO2 Nitric Oxide Booster Products. USPLabs Agmatine 500 Review

This is a review of USPLabs Agmatine 500. The manufacturer claims that it is a pre-workout supplement meant for people who workout with the aim of building muscles that are extraordinarily big and bulky. It is supposed to increase blood flow and boost the confidence of muscle enthusiasts. Read on so that we can fully analyze its ingredients, while learning what its all about and if it suits your idea of a good supplement.


There is only one ingredient in USPLabs 500 and that is 500 mg of Agmatine Sulfate.

Agmatine helps with the breaking down of the component arginine which is also known as amino Acid. Arginine is supposed to help in the preservation and the building of muscles of the body, so it is good to have it in a bodybuilding supplement.


It is recommended that you take at least two pills of 500 mg of agmatine sulfate. Each bottle comes with thirty servings. Make sure you stick to the recommended dosage, as taking too much may cause severe side effects and could be dangerous to your overall health.

Possible Side Effects

Apparently, this supplement is safe to take for anyone wanting to use it. However, there have been cases of neurotoxicity.

Thee is also a word of caution for certain individuals who may have certain conditions, so if you are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Under the age of eighteen
  • on medication or any kind of medical condition

you should always consult your physician before deciding to take this supplement.


It seems as though this product has a variation of prices on different websites. The lowest price we came across was $21.97 while the highest price we could find was at $34.99.


There was only one guarantee that was found on the internet from one company that is called VitaCost, which does not offer a sufficient guarantee to potential customers. Other than that, there are no guarantees for this product, making it a risky purchase.


All in all, this seems to be a good product. It has a good review from the Better Business Bureau and most customer reviews found on the internet portray the product in a good light, although there were some who claimed the product was ineffective and that they has wasted their money.

On the other hand, the different prices on the internet would make any customer weary because there is no solid information for this product. We had a hard time figuring out if this product really does live up to its manufacturer’s claims or not.


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Ansi Xtreme Shock Muscle Energy Blue Raspberry Review

This is a review of Ansi Xtreme Shock Muscle Energy Blue Raspberry. The manufacturer claims that it promotes great workouts and enhances muscle building for those who want to have a bulkier, thicker build. It helps in recovering from workouts much quicker and keeps fatigue at bay. This product has been known to add vigor to your workouts and helps in the loss of Thermogenic Fat.

Read on about the product to take a closer look at its ingredients and so that you can decide for yourself if you consider this product ideal for your health needs.


This product has a total of 20 ingredients in it and they are:

  • Agmatine Sulfate- Nitric Oxide Enhancer
  • DMAE ( Dimethylaminoethanol )- Supports brain health
  • CarnoSyn (Beta Alanine Carnosine ATP Synthesizer)- Helps in Enduarance
  • Enduriac (Glucuronolactone)
  • L-Tyrosine- Helps synthesize proteins
  • Taurine- An amino Acid in the stomach
  • L-Citulline (Whey Protein Isolate)
  • Caffeine Anhydrous- Powdered Form
  • Glycerol (Hydration and Delivery Transporter)
  • Nitric NO2- Promotes heightened neurological activity
  • Kre-Alkalyn (PH Stable Creatine Monohydrate)
  • Phosphoric acid- Preserves the contents of the supplement
  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • Potassium Benzoate
  • Triple-Filtered Water
  • Citric Acid
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Blue #1
  • Sucralose


Always shake thoroughly before use. Do not exceed one bottle a day because each bottle contains 300mg of caffeine, which is the equivalent of drinking as many as two cups of strong coffee per day.

Possible Side Effects

The side effects reported for this supplement are few. There have been cases where people reported a mild, tingling sensation when they took it.

Keep in mind that it has been emphasized to discontinue using the product if you are to undergo surgery, two weeks prior. Anyone who is under 18 has also been advised against using it.


This liquid supplement comes packaged in a box of twelve bottles (a twelve day supply) for the price of $39.90, although at the time of evaluating the product, they were offering a sale price of t$36.99.


There is no indication of a guarantee on any website. A lack of a guarantee always makes us weary of a product, since there is a chance you may be wasting money on a supplement that doesn’t work.


This product seems to be good, with a well-stipulated dosage and good reviews from various consumers.

It is, on the other hand, concerning that there is not enough clarity of possible effects from the manufacturer. Also, the fact that it does not have a guarantee in sight is alarming. It is very important that a product’s manufacturer offers some sort of guarantee so that a customer will be comfortable and confident enough to buy that product. We’d like to suggest that you continue in your search for the right NO2 product. Be sure it comes with enough information and provides a return policy that you are comfortable with.

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Controlled Labs White Flood Reborn Review

This is a review of Controlled Labs White Flood Reborn. The manufacturers claim that it is one of the good energy boosters out there that is used as a pre-workout nitric Oxide supplement. It is reputed to enhance one’s ability in getting pumped up during a workout. It is also said to improve one’s mood and provide endurance during exercise routines.

It has no fillers or additives, according to its manufacturers and it does not contain any artificial flavors. It supposedly accelerates your concentration and focus and will make your workout really fun and energizing. Read on so that you can get more information about its ingredients and also see whether it is the right product to take for your health supplement needs.


The ingredients are:

  • Beta Alanine- Enhances muscles physical workouts
  • Anhydrous (in powdered form)
  • L-Novaline- Promotes endurance and Muscle power
  • L-Citrulline- Improves performances of workouts
  • L-Camitine
  • L-Tartrate
  • Vinpocetine- An anti-aging component
  • Evodiamine
  • Glucuronolatone
  • 225 mg of Caffeine (Coffee Arabica)- Speeds up the heart rate, increasing metabolic rate
  • Schizandra Chinensis Fruit Extract
  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • Citric Acid
  • Sucralose
  • Malic Acid
  • Acesulfame potassium


The company does not have any dosage instructions outlined on the website. They have left the dosage intake to assumption but on the other hand, it does say on the label of the supplement bottle that that one scoop is equivalent to 7.17 grams. So the guesswork is up to you.

Possible Side Effects

There were no side effects that appeared anywhere on their website. However, be sure to talk to your physician before using this product.


This product’s manufacturer has incorporated all kinds of prices for different servings. For example, the servings per bottle start from 10 servings, going all the way up to 60 servings with a price range of  between $29.99 and $85.99. This product also has 20 retailers that are selling the product presently.


They offer a guarantee that is valid for up to 30 days. Simply return the remainder of the pills in the bottle back to the manufacturer and you shall have your refund in the next 2-3 weeks after returning it.

However, this guarantee only applies to those that purchased the product directly from Controlled Labs. It does not apply to the retailers that they have recruited to sell their products.


Controlled Labs White Flood Reborn seems to be a good product. The reviews on it are quite fair and having a guarantee is always a plus for any product because it gives the consumer security.

Unfortunately, we found that they were not totally honest about some of the ingredients on the list. On their website, they clearly state that the product does not contain any artificial colors, yet when you look at the label on the bottle, it is one of the ingredients listed in the product.

The price of Controlled Labs White Flood Reborn is also not that attractive. Even with all the varieties of servings per bottle, the price is a little bit steep for anyone’s liking.

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NDS Nutrition Sirenlabs Shok’d V2- Strawberry Review

This is a review of the NDS Nutrition SirenLabs Shok’d V2- Strawberry. The manufacturers claim that it is designed to pump strength, energy and endurance into your workout. It is reputed to have an invigorating sense of satisfaction when you take it during your pre-workout. The basic element of this product is nitric oxide which is meant to give you a vigorous “pump” effect during and after your workout.

Read on to learn about its ingredients and our opinion of whether this is the right product to take for your health supplement needs.


The following are ingredients that are in the SirenLabs supplement. They are:-

  • 60 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
  • 2000 IU of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
  • 48 mg of Calcium
  • 2.40 mg of Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
  • Red Beet Juice Powder
  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • FD&C Red 40
  • Citric Acid
  • Calcium Silicate
  • Acesulfame
  • Sucralose


It is recommended that you take this before a workout, about 45 minutes prior. Mix one scoop of the blend with about 4-6 oz of water. Make sure you mix it properly. The water has to be cold.

Possible Side Effects

As with any supplement, make sure you contact your physician before taking this supplement. Do not take this product if you:-

  • Are under 18 years of age.
  • If you are breastfeeding or pregnant
  • Do not know about your health status.
  • Are taking any kind of medication.
  • Have a medical condition that is related to the heart, kidneys or Liver.

It is also emphasized that while taking this supplement, you should not consume other products that have any Caffeine.

Please stop taking this product immediately if you start to experience a shortness of breath, bad headaches or any kind of dizzy spells.


According to the website, SirenLabs goes for seventy four dollars and ninety cents. There is a member price that is slightly less that is offered for seventy one dollars and ninety nine cents.


There is no mention of a guarantee for the product on the website.


This product seems to be of great use when it comes to pre-workouts. It has minimal ingredients than most of its fellow pre workout products on the market and the feedback from different reviewers is good.

However, the side effects section can cause any customer to be alarmed. It looks as though not too many people can enjoy using this product without worrying about a ton of cautionary issues related to the consumption of SirenLabs.

Another discouraging factor about SirenLabs is that the price of the product is quite high. Seventy four dollars and some change is money that the average consumer may not want to part with, even with all the benefits this product’s manufacturers claim the product has.

Last but not least; When a product does not come with any form of guarantee, then it is impossible to go any further in considering to purchase the supplement.

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NDS Nutrition NitroCM Review

This is a review of NDS Nutrition NitroCM. It is a supplement that manufacturers claim to be sufficient as a pre-work out supplement in the fitness world. It is claimed to enhance the vascular process and increase one’s endurance and Strength during a workout. It supports longevity of an individual’s muscle pumps and it also has antioxidant benefits. Read on further to familiarize yourself with its ingredients and other important factors about the product  and this will help you conclude whether you would love to implement it in your supplemental health needs.


NitroCM has the following ingredients:-

  • L-Norvaline- Combats anti-inflammatory properties
  • Vanadyl Sulfate- A source of Vanadium
  • Citrulline Malate- Enhances workout performance
  • Agmantine Sulfate- For Muscle Support
  • GlycoCarn (Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine HCI)- promotes healthy circulation of blood
  • 100 mg of Vitamin C- Supports the immune system
  • Taurine- Provides support fro blood sugar regulation
  • Arginine Complex (L-Arginine Arginine AKG)
  • 500 mg Creatinol O Phosphate
  • Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera)- An anti-oxidant
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Resveratrol (from Polygonum cuspidatum)
  • Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana)
  • 800 mg Endura-Antioxidant Blend
  • Rice Flour
  • Gelatin
  • FD&C Blue 1
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • FD&C Red 40


They don’t have a very detailed dosage stipulation for this supplement, although they do say that it should be taken 30 to 45 minutes before you do your workout. They even say on their website that in case you want to absorb the supplement faster into your bloodstream, you should break the capsule and pour the capsule contents into any drink that you may be drinking before working out.

Possible Side Effects

There are no immediate side effects for this supplement, except for cautionary measures while taking it. If you have a pre-existing condition in your body, you should first see and talk to your doctor. Those that have diabetes, hypertension or any other seizure disorders should not take this supplement. People are advised to immediately stop using this product if they notice or experience any other kind of reactions to the drug.

This product is not for those who are under 18 years of age, neither should it be taken by women who are breastfeeding or expecting.


This product sells for ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents, with the member price being a little less than that and with that, we mean by just a few bucks. The product comes in capsule form in a bottle of 180 capsules.


Upon further inquiry, this product does not offer a guarantee. A product that is almost a hundred dollars should have some sort of refund policy or money back guarantee, but not this one.


This is definitely one of the good products out there. It has a good number of reviews that are positively written and even though there are some that are a bit on the negative side, it seems legit.

But to have a product sell for almost 100 dollars is a bit much. On the other hand, quality may not be compromised and there is nothing wrong with selling a product carrying an expensive price tag if it is worth it. But one can’t help but wonder why go through the trouble to market a product that has no money back guarantee, especially with that hefty price.

Click here to learn about our Top NO2 Nitric Oxide Booster Products.


Cyto Sport Fast Twitch Power Punch Review

This is a review of Cyto Sport Fast Twitch Power Punch. The manufacturer claims that this is a powder mix that helps achieve a power-filled workout, especially if you are looking for a high energetic experience. It is also said to accelerate your metabolism and quickly enhance your mood in preparation for an intensive workout. Let us read and see what Cyto Sport Fast Twitch Power Punch entails and to fully comprehend what this supplement can do and if it is for you.


The following are the ingredients found in Cyto Sport Fast Twitch Power Punch:

  • 45 mg of Vitamin C
  • 3 mg of Vitamin B6
  • 30 mg of vitamin E
  • 10 mg of Vitamin B12
  • 400 mg of Folate
  • 220 mg of Potassium
  • 110 mg of Sodium
  • 25mg o Calcium
  • 5 mg of Magnesium
  • 200 mg of Caffeine
  • 835 mg of ErgoLyte
  • 620 mg of CytoRepair
  • Potassium Arspartate
  • Citrulline Malate
  • Phosphatidylserine
  • Vitamin E Acetate
  • Glycocyamine
  • L-Norvaline
  • L-Citrulline
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Calcium Citrate
  • Glutamine Peptides
  • Glucuronolactone
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Guar Gum
  • Malic Acid
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Xanthan Gum
  • Carrageenan
  • Carmine Color
  • Sucralose


The recommended dosage is to mix 3 to 4 scoops of the powder and stir thoroughly in sixteen ounces of water. This should be done on an empty stomach and it should also be taken about 40 minutes before you start your workout. After that, make sure you drink plenty of water.

Possible Side Effects

It is advisable to see your doctor before use so as to determine if it is safe for you to take. Pregnant women are advised against taking this product, together with those that are breastfeeding. If you are currently undergoing treatment for pre-existing medical conditions, it is not wise to use this product without first consulting your primary physician.

People with diabetes, heart and liver complications, anxiety, nervousness and panic attacks, anaemia, high blood pressure, bladder conditions, migraine headachers are advised not to consume this product.

Most importantly, if you should experience chest pains, dizziness or shortness or breath, you should see a doctor at once.


This product is priced at $39.99 for a two-pound container.


There is no mention of a guarantee for this product on the website.


Cyto Sport Fast Twitch Power Punch can be considered as one of the good products for enhancing energy and performance during workouts. There are good reviews about the product as well from different people.

However, there are several things lacking that are of the essence when trying to decide whether or not to buy a product.

There is the case of credibility and there are quite a few many side effects of this product. This increases health risks to someone taking this supplement.

Click here to learn about our Top NO2 Nitric Oxide Booster Products.

GNC Beyond Raw Rampant Review

This is a review of GNC Beyond Raw Rampant Review. The manufacturers claim that it is made for the ultimate workout. This product, according to its manufacturers is intended to provide the fullest potential of mascularity while energizing all muscle groups, while boosting metabolism. This intense Nitric oxide booster is meant to increase workouts into a full overload of hardcore energy. Apparently, it contains no artificial flavors and is free of all wheat, gluten and dairy. Let us take a look at its ingredients and also evaluate its qualities so that you can decide whether or not it fits your daily supplemental needs.


Beyond Raw Rampant has these ingredients listed on the website:-

  • 80 mg of Chloride- Maintains electrolytes in the body
  • 30 mg of Niacin- Transportation of Blood cells.
  • 801 mg of Anabolic Muscle Primer
  • 1250 mg of ATP Optimizing Creatine Module
  • 2060 mg of N.O. Vasodilation Amplifier
  • 700.05 mg of Muscle Buffering System
  • Thermo Energy Matrix
  • 40 mg of Sodium- Helps in regulation of blood
  • 40 mg of Potassium
  • Dicalcium Phosphate
  • Cellulose– Generates muscle growth


On the website, the manufacturers recommend that you take six pills before you start your workout. They also emphasize that you should not take more than six pills a day.

Possible Side Effects

Consumers are advised not to exceed the recommended dosage. Do not consume caffeine products while taking this product because it already has 200 mg of caffeine in it.

Be warned that this supplement has a chemical in it that, according to the State of California is harmful to women and their reproductive organs and may cause certain defects to unborn children.

If you are to undergo surgery, make sure you stop using this product 2 weeks before.

Those that are pregnant and breastfeeding are cautioned not to use it. So are people who are under 18 years of age.

If you already have a medical condition in your body, you should first seek the advice of a medical professional before considering to consume this product.


Beyond Raw is priced at fifty nine dollars and ninety nine cents with  a hundred and eighty pills per package.


There is no indication that this product has any kind of guarantee.


For the most part, this product seems like a good product. The ingredients, unlike most of it’s counterparts, are acceptable and they make an effort of emphasizing on quality. The instructions are very clear about dosage and everything else they have outlined on the website.

The lack of a guarantee however,  is never a good look for any manufacturer and it speaks volumes to a consumer about the manufacturer’s lack of looking out for their products and those that are buying them.

The side effects are general and very similar to most similar products, but that does not mean that is a good thing. Products should not have side effects that go damaging other parts of the body. For instance; any product that affects a woman’s reproductive organs and her unborn child should be disregarded without further discussion. The chemicals linked to this product are cause for concern because they are life threatening.

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Muscletech Nano Vapor-Fruit Punch Review

This is a review of MuscleTech Nano Vapor-Fruit Punch is a supplement that is claimed by it’s manufacturers to improve muscle pumps and effective energy performance during one’s workout. According to them, it delivers maximum strength and focus, while accelerating metabolic rate which will make any exercise intense. The manufacturers also claim that it does not have any filters or banned substances. It also does not have any harmful chemicals. Let us further analyze the ingredients and also continue to read about other crucial factors about the product so that you can make an informed decision about the supplement.


The following ingredients are found in the MuscleTech supplement:-

  • 120 mg of Calcium- Helps in maintaining strong, healthy bones.
  • 1.2 mcg Vitamin B12- Helps in the generation of red blood cells.
  • 0.39 Vitamin B6- It helps in maintaining Adrenal Function.
  • 67 mg Quercetin– A kind of flavanoid that is reputed to have anti oxidant properties.
  • Citrulline Malate- Meant to enhance muscle performance during workouts.
  • 67 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)- Helps in supporting the immune system and metabolism.
  • Asian ginseng extract (as Panax ginseng) (root)- known to increase mental focus, clarity and endurance.
  • Beta-Alanine (as CarnoSyn)
  • 1500 mg Taurine
  • 50 mg of Caffeine- increases heart rate.
  • Betaine (as Betaine Anhydrous)
  • 50 mg of L-Theanine
  • 1667 mg of Creatine Monohydrate
  • Natural and Articial Flavors
  • FD&C Red #40
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Sucralose
  • Acesulfame-Potassium


The dosage stipulations are outlined as follows; Be cautious in the intake, since they stress on how strong the product is. Take one scoop and put in 4 oz. water and drink it about thirty minutes before you go and workout. It is up to you on how much your body can tolerate, so as days go by, you will be able to know if you can increase the dosage. They say as long as you don’t go beyond three scoops per day, you are good to go. However, increase you water intake when taking this product.

Possible Side Effects

As with any medication, always seek the advice of a doctor before starting on any supplement. The product is extremely strong and misuse of it can lead to bad health effects.

Do not take it while you are pregnant, nursing or if you are under the age of 18 years.

Since it has caffeine in it, some people may develop headacahes, rapid heart rate, nervousness and anxiety while taking MuscleTech. If they should persist, then stop using it.

If you suffer from other medical conditions, it would be wise not to take it until you get the go ahead from your doctor.


MuscleTech usually goes for the price of sixty four dollars and ninety nine cents, but currently it is at a sale price of forty four dollars and ninety nine cents. This is a container that weighs 1.2 lbs.


There doesn’t seem to be a guarantee for this product anywhere on the internet.


MuscleTech is indeed a good product. The lack of fillers and additives is a good quality to have in a product and it seems to do the job.

On the other hand, there are valid concerns for the product, This product has already been branded very strong, but with the extreme side effects while under consumption, it would be very hard to recommend this product. The fact that the ingredients are claimed by the manufacturer to be safe, yet so many pre cautionary measures have to be adhered to is unsettling.

Moreover, it is also a big concern that this product is not guaranteed.

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